Dr William HC Li, Director of HKU Youth Quitline, and Dr Eva KY Ho, representing our Women Quitline, made oral presentations at the meetings of Bills Committee on Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Bill 2019 in support of the Government’s proposal to ban the import, manufacture, sale, distribution and advertisement of alternative smoking products, including electronic cigarettes, heat-not-burn products and herbal cigarettes.

Dr William HC Li, representing HKU Youth Quitline

Dr Eva KY Ho, representing HKU Women Quitline


Dr Kelvin MP Wang and Dr Derek YT Cheung also presented as individuals at the meeting, as did our team’s Project Officer, Miss Vanessa LH Yeung, and research postgraduates, Mr Kevin TT Luk and Mr Matthew SL Chau.


Dr Kelvin MP Wang

Dr Derek YT Cheung