12 journal articles written by our team on smoking cessation and tobacco control were accepted for publication in international peer-reviewed journals in 2023 (in alphabetical order of author list):

  1. Chen T, Wang L, Cheung YTD, Wang MP, Lam TH, Ho SY*. Risk perceptions and changes in tobacco use in relation to Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic: A qualitative study on adolescent tobacco users in Hong Kong. Tob Induc Dis. 2023 Jul 14;21:92. doi: 10.18332/tid/167479
  2. Cheung DYT*, Chan HCH, Conway M, Wong CKH, Li WHC, Wang MP, Lam TH. WhatsApp group discussion for smoking relapse prevention: a randomised controlled trial (abridged secondary publication). Hong Kong Med J. 2023 Jun;29 Suppl 3(3):16-18. 
  3. Guo N, Luk TT, Wu YS, Guo Z, Chu JCL, Cheung YTD, Chan CHH, Kwok TTO, Wong VYL, Wong CKH, Lee JJ, Kwok YK, Viswanath K, Lam TH, Wang MP*. Effect of mobile interventions with nicotine replacement therapy sampling on long-term smoking cessation in community smokers: A pragmatic randomized clinical trial. Tob Induc Dis. 2023 Mar 24;21:44. doi: 10.18332/tid/160168
  4. Li WHC*, Xia W, Wang MP, Cheung DYT, Cheung KY, Wong CKH, Lam TH. Effect of quitting immediately vs progressively on smoking cessation for smokers at emergency department in Hong Kong: A posteriori analysis of a randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2023 Jan 26;18(1):e0280925. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0280925.
  5. Sun Y, Wu YS, Cheung YTD*, Wang MP, Chen J, Leung LT, Zhang X, Chak KY, Lam TH, Ho SY. Impact of mandatory masking amid the COVID-19 pandemic on outdoor smoking: an interrupted time-series analysis of a 33-month unobtrusive observational study. Front Public Health. 2023 Jul 13;11:1136621. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1136621  
  6. Wang MP*, Lam TH, Viswanath K, Cheng RCK, Kwok TTO, Cheung DYT, Wong CKH, Lee JJJ, Chan HCH. Combining interactive communication and nicotine replacement therapy for smokers: abridged secondary publication. Hong Kong Med J. 2023 Dec;29 Suppl 7(6):4-8. 
  7. Wang MP*, Luk TT, Lam TH, Li WHC, Leung WC, Leung KY, Cheung KW, Kwa C, Siong KH, Tang KK, Lee KW. Combination of brief advice, nicotine replacement therapy sampling, and active referral for smoking expectant fathers: abridged secondary publication. Hong Kong Med J. 2023 Feb;29 Suppl 2(1):25-28.
  8. Weng X, Luk TT, Wu YS, Zhao SZ, Cheung DYT, Tong HSC, Lai VWY, Lam TH, Wang MP*. Effect of smoking-related COVID-19 risk messaging on smoking cessation in community smokers: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Tob Induc Dis. 2023 Jun 14;21:77. doi: 10.18332/tid/163176
  9. Yao Y, Cheung DYT, Luk TT, Lam TH, Wu YS, Wang MP*. Perceived increased susceptibility to COVID-19 due to smoking was associated with reduced smoking at home but not on the streets amid the pandemic: A population-based cross-sectional study. Tob Induc Dis. 2023 May 5;21:56. doi: 10.18332/tid/161860
  10. Zhang MJ, He WJA, Luk TT, Wang MP, Chan SSC, Cheung YTD*. Effectiveness of personalized smoking cessation intervention based on ecological momentary assessment for smokers who prefer unaided quitting: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers Public Health. 2023 Jul 31;11:1147096. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1147096 
  11. Zhang X, Sun Y*, Cheung YTD, Wang MP, Wu YS, Chak KY, Chen J, Leung LT, Lam TH, Ho SY*. Cigarettes, heated tobacco products and dual use: exhaled carbon monoxide, saliva cotinine and total tobacco consumed by Hong Kong tobacco users. Tobacco Control. 2023 Jan 24:tc-2022-057598. doi: 10.1136/tc-2022-057598
  12. Zhao SZ, Wu Y*, Cheung DYT, Luk TT, Weng X, Tong HSC, Lai V, Chan SSC, Lam TH, Wang MP. Increase of unmotivated and hardened smokers in Hong Kong: a repeated cross-sectional trend analysis. Tobacco Control. 2023 Mar 6:tc-2022-057724. doi: 10.1136/tc-2022-057724